
“The changes we make in the lives of others
define the meaning of our own.”
Nelson Mandela.

Worldwide, more than 1.19 million people die in road incidents each year, and 20 to 30 million more are seriously injured. (Data from the World Health Organization – 2023.)


These figures are simply unacceptable.

What’s even more unacceptable is that 90% of these deaths and injuries occur in low- and middle-income countries. This makes it not only tragic but also deeply unjust.

We have a moral duty not to stand by in the face of this injustice, which is the leading cause of death for young people aged 5 to 29 years.

We firmly believe in the power of education and prevention as infallible tools to improve people’s lives. In the specific case of road safety, these tools can save millions of lives worldwide.

We aspire to spark a cultural and societal change through the promotion of best practices. A change that begins with raising awareness of road risk perception and extends to demanding from governments streets where safe and peaceful coexistence is a universal right.

Our goal is to contribute to the Global Plan for the Second Decade of Action: reducing deaths and injuries by 50% by 2030, strengthening constant training and education, and promoting the demand for road safety in society.


To become one of the leading international advocates and agents of change in effectively reducing road traffic casualties, contributing social and educational value.


To provide strategies that foster cultural change to reduce road traffic incidents and their consequences. To empower society as the driving force behind this change.


Professionalism, empathy, commitment, and integrity.

Promotional Video

The Project

In-visible streets is a multimedia project that aims to raise awareness about road safety globally, especially in places where governments seem to pay little attention.

It is also a heartfelt tribute to the millions of victims affected by road incidents with severe consequences.

To achieve this, we have developed four complementary components:


1. In-VIsible Streets Documentary

We will produce the first mainstream documentary on road safety, aimed at a general audience, to be streamed on platforms such as Netflix, Apple TV, or Amazon Prime.

In this documentary, we will interview experts and specialists in road safety who have improved cities, decision-makers, and road users. We will showcase success stories and best practices that have helped reduce incidents and their consequences.

Importantly, we will also give a voice to victims and their families, who will share firsthand accounts of the harsh realities and help weave the narrative around various topics.

2. In-Visible Streets Forum

Perhaps the most ambitious part of the project, this initiative aims to screen the documentary in at least 10,000 educational institutions worldwide by 2030, creating avast network of trained volunteers to lead discussions on road safety with students, teachers, and parents after each screening.

These screenings and discussions can also be extended to private or public institutions, always encouraging reflection and dialogue.

3. Memorial Street

A decentralized platform for victims and their families to share their experiences through personal video testimonies and interact with others locally or globally. This free social network will provide a space for exchanging experiences and emotions, including virtual support and discussion groups.

4. In-Visible Streets Hub

A public and free audiovisual repository hosted on a website, containing all complete interviews with road safety experts featured in the documentary. It will serve as a resource center for anyone interested in the topic worldwide.


What are we looking for?

A business angel to join us from the start in this journey to make streets safer, fairer, and more peaceful.
A partner not solely driven by commercial goals but by a commitment to a global community.

We are also seeking public or private institutions to support the initiative and actively collaborate in making the project and its cause more visible.

We already have the support of Redux Alliance, Fundación Mapfre, the Argentine Firefighters Foundation, the University of Bari, and the Argentine Confederation of Educators, among others. But we are always looking for new allies.

What do we offer in return?

The creation of the first mainstream documentary on road safety.

Participation in a transformative change that will save millions of lives through assertive communication.

Global outreach to millions of people, especially young individuals aged 15 to 35.

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Who are we?

We are an interdisciplinary team composed of:

Matías Ghio, audiovisual producer and director, and longtime road safety advocate.

Myriam Serulnicoff, sociologist with extensive experience in public and private institutions focused on road safety.

Paula Marchesini, civil engineer and road safety specialist.

And a broad team of professional collaborators who assist in each of the specific areas needed.

We know that this is a very ambitious project. But we also know that it is worth the effort.

There is still much to do. There is still much to investigate.

If we manage to prevent even one road incident and save one life somewhere on the planet, we will have achieved our first goal.

We need the support of many to develop the enormous challenge ahead.

They support us:
